Short Story: Legends of Evedor IV

The Queen Regent

On board The Vesper, now the flagship after The Bethsea was destroyed, I was impatient. We’d been at sea for nearly three days and I was eager to arrive at Murida Island.

Until the navy returned to port a little over a week ago I had imagined all the ways in which I would dispose of the snivelling princess. How I would finally be permitted to rule Evedor, not as queen regent, but as queen in my own right.

But then four ships returned with reports of a terrible white fire emanating from the pirate ship the princess had escaped on. This white torrent had completely obliterated the flagship Bethsea and sunk its sister ship The Dawnmere. How had such a weak, inexperienced, sorceress managed a feat of such gigantic proportions?

Rather than cower I was enraged. Furious two of my best ships had been destroyed, along with all their crew. Such an evil act demanded a response.

I wanted the pirates and princess dealt with as quickly as possible. I had to find Adriana, while I was glad we were finally eradicating the Republic of Pirates, my main objective was to silence the princess forever. I couldn’t afford her to come of age and ascend the throne, my throne. I’d sooner die than allow that.

“How are we holding up Captain?” I asked as we stood on the quarterdeck.

“All twenty seven ships are holding steady your majesty,” Captain Peter Williams said. “All three thousand crew and six thousand marines seem to be in good spirits according to captains’ reports.”

“Good, I hope they’re ready for the fight ahead.”

Williams nodded, “They will be ma’am.”

“No longer will we tremble and cringe at a sixteen year old apprentice witch,” I spat.

“She will be destroyed,” he replied. “Along with every living breathing thing on that island.”

“We’ll raze it to the ground, after this is over there will be no Republic, nor will there be pirates.”

“Sails spotted ahead,” someone called from the top of the main mast.

Immediately Captain Williams took out his telescope.

“A two-masted schooner,” he confirmed, collapsing his spyglass. “A scout, they’ll have spotted us and be on their way back to warn the port.”

“How long until we reach the island,” I asked trying to mask the impatience.

“At our present heading we’ll reach port by first light in a little over twelve hours, ma’am.”

Twelve hours?! I said nothing to the captain for there was nothing he could do. Every stitch of sail had been unfurled and this was as fast as we were ever going to go.

Giving the pirates twelve hours to plan their defence was hardly ideal, still I was confident my armada could conquer any obstacles set in our way.

If we didn’t act now everything I’d worked for would be lost. Regardless of my confidence in the navy my carefully laid plans were still at risk of crumbling, of being annihilated just like The Bethsea. Perhaps I had underestimated Princess Adriana, taken for granted that she could be subdued and removed quietly like her father. It was a costly mistake I couldn’t afford to repeat. This was the last obstacle and I’d be damned if I permitted a child to defeat everything I’d clawed tooth and nail for.

The eternal longing I felt deep in my soul was all I could focus on now. Power and glory, it burned a blaze in my heart. It was my cast-iron will to see this mission through. With my hands on the starboard rail I closed my eyes, reaching with my mind beyond the heavens I envisioned the awe-inspiring view of the world below. Soon that view would be smouldering, I could feel the beast within, itching to break out and consume everything in sight.

Wait, my love, our time will come soon enough…


Twelve long hours later I watched with anticipation the pirates’ ships, totalling seventeen, move out of the harbour. I searched endlessly for any sign of the princess, if she was on board one of those ships that would be our focus. The captain awaited my order.

“There captain,” one of the sailors at the rail said, pointing towards the harbour.

I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on the harbour still quite a distance away, it was a flurry of activity, “You’re sure sailor?” I called to the young man.

He swallowed nervously, for if he was wrong my wrath would be directed at him. With a worried nod I turned to Captain Williams, “Stay on course, destroy every oncoming ship.” I said. “If the princess is still in the harbour your ships will be safe from her sorcery.”

The captain looked confused. He knew my goal was to defeat the princess, I had to suppress a smile. Soon they’d understand. Soon they’d be terrified and their loyalty would be absolute.

“Yes, ma’am,” he confirmed, though he still looked perplexed.

“Now if you’ll excuse me there’s a princess I need to destroy.”

The beast within was clawing its way out. No control could keep it contained. I had to let it consume me, its wrath, its power. I closed my eyes as I felt the creature inside me grow in authority. I felt my body lengthen, my legs grow stronger, my nails sharpen to claws, my throat thaw and ignite. I felt the strength in my back as powerful wings expanded.

Looking down at the horrified faces of the sailors on The Vesper it was clear my transformation was complete. As I ascended through the rigging and into the sky above I let out a great roar of delight.

Once I cleared the tops I fixed my gaze on the harbour, I saw the harpoons and ballistae on either side loaded and ready. I had to smile to myself, they’re not ready for what’s about to happen.

With a thrash of my wings I was off. Sailing right over the seawall I spotted the princess far below, gazing in amazement as I glided through the air. I directed myself instead towards the buildings along the harbour. Letting out a rumbling growl of thunder I watched with pleasure as the dragonfire erupted from my throat, enveloping every shop and tavern along the waterfront in a blazing inferno.

I turned back to the harbour but the princess had disappeared. After only a moment’s confusion I turned back to the waiting town. The princess could hide all she liked but eventually she would have to face me, eventually she would have to show herself.

Methodically I worked through the streets, relishing the screams from the townspeople. I knew the princess would try and intervene, the death of these pirates would weigh heavily on her conscience, perhaps she’d be enraged, carelessly make a move against me, and in that moment I would strike.

As the port continued to burn something caught my reptilian eyes. Far off just above the treeline of the mountains through the billowing smoke I saw a beam of light rise into the sky. The princess. I smiled. What a crafty little madam, I thought, moving out of the port would ensure I caused no further destruction. No matter, the town was already destroyed beyond repair.

With powerful wings I moved through the smoke and flame towards the princess. We were coming to journey’s end now. Soon the princess would be no more and I would be queen without any threat.

As I flew closer to the source of light I saw the princess. Standing alone on the ridge she looked so small, so weak, but her face was heavy with concentration. As the beam of light disappeared her arm shot out towards me and with it she brought a bolt of lightning. I was prepared for an attack the closer I got. Skilfully I dodged the blast. But the princess was relentless. Someone had been practising, I thought, she was nowhere near this powerful when she escaped the palace. I recalled rumours of a great sorcerer living within these mountains. Perhaps she sought him out?

Bolt after bolt was thrown my way and each time I parried and deflected the blast until the third one struck one of my wings.

In a howl of rage I fell into the waiting trees below, feeling the scrape of branches as I tried my best to recover. As I hit the ground I checked my wings, it had only been a small shock, more of a surprise than an injury. I wouldn’t make that mistake again. In my frustration I let out another earthshattering roar.

I rose once more into the air, and spotted the princess clambering up the bank towards the valley above, and cleared the distance in seconds

After being hit by her bolt of energy I wanted to end this swiftly. The novelty had surely worn off. With all the fury I could gather I sent a flood of dragonfire towards the princess. Prolonged and intense I let the fire enrapture her, certain she’d be incinerated with nothing but her charred bones remaining.

Stopping to take a breath I moved closer as the fire dissolved. Crouched the princess looked up, completely untouched by the flame. Around her the ground glowed. Arcane circles shone an otherworldly blue light, a protection field I assumed. I roared in fury, sending another deluge of fire uselessly towards her.

A blast of blue energy shot out from the fireball below, too quick I couldn’t move fast enough. As it hit my chest I felt the current of electricity surge through my body. It was powerful, not powerful enough to down me, but more powerful than I had anticipated.

When I recovered from her attack the princess had already continued on up the ridge towards a gorge still filled with morning mist.

Something was strange though. As I got closer I could see it wasn’t normal morning mist, it was a thick fog that seemed confined to the valley before me. It didn’t spill out, or seem to move at all. It hung in the air, stagnant. The princess was inside, somewhere she waited for me. She obviously chose this place thinking she’d have the advantage. Perhaps the fog was a creation of hers, to disorient me, leave me unguarded.

I laughed, I was not a naïve teenager. She may be clumsy and careless but I surely wasn’t. To test the waters I sent into the fog a surge of fire. I watched it disappear through the clouds and backlight them in orange. If the princess was in there she would surely have been burnt to a crisp.

“Oh princess,” I called into the void. Nothing.

If I wanted the princess I would have to go in and get her myself. With a small effort I transformed back into my human form, after all being human sized would ensure I was a smaller target. I felt the powerful arms and legs merge into my own, my back compress, and my height reduce until I stood a queen once more.

Through the mist I walked, I could hear nothing of my surroundings, nor could I see even a few feet in front of me. This didn’t feel natural, the fog felt cold and heavy, heavier than it should be. My skin tingled as the mist caressed my face and arms. This felt like sorcery. Cautiously I moved forward.

“No point hiding in the clouds princess, eventually you’ll have to come out and face me.”

I tried to use my own powers to disperse the fog, but nothing would cut through. As I moved further through the fog I thought I heard whispers, movement, but when I stopped to listen there was only silence.

Then through the mist I caught a figure. Immediately I transformed once more into a dragon and blasted the figure with fire. When the fire burnt off the figure remained in its place.

“Time to cut the theatrics, face your fate like a woman.”

Adriana looked up, I could see the fear of recognition in her eyes, “Cora?”

“In the flesh, as they say,” without warning I blasted the princess with even more fire.

Although her force field protected her, her resolve was slipping, her weakness was showing through. No matter how hard she tried I could tell her powers were depleting, another blast and she’d no longer be a problem.

Taking one last deep breath before releasing my torrent a bolt of light appeared out of the mist beyond where the princess crouched. It hit me square in the chest sending me roaring back through the fog. Momentarily I’d lost sight of the princess.

But it wasn’t her magic. I could feel her weakness, summoning something as powerful as that was surely the work of another.

As I tried to recover from the hit I suddenly realised I was no longer in dragon form, looking down I saw the torn and dusty dress, my hands were no longer talons, I could feel the fire in my throat no more. The mist was clearing now, as it evaporated I watched as the princess came into focus, standing beside another figure, a man.

I had to laugh, “So this is the great mage of Hanging Tower, the princess’s mentor,” I said as I got to my feet. He was no threat to me. Now that he’d shown himself I would ensure he, along with the princess, didn’t make it out of this valley alive.

I tried to change back to my dragon form. These two could be disposed of with a flick of fire, but something was stopping me, something was blocking my inner beast from manifesting. Like a weight was pressing down on that part of my essence.

“There’s no point trying to transform your majesty,” he called to me. “That blast of energy has temporarily disabled your ability to change.”

I could feel the fury rise up, I could almost imagine my eyes burning with fire. But instead I smiled defiantly at the pair, “No matter, for even without it I will still prevail, even against both of you.”

The princess sent a streak of fire towards me, but I had anticipated such a spell, with no effort I deflected her blaze, sending the fireball towards the canyon wall and instead sent my own wall of flame towards them. I watched with delight as the princess struggled to repel the attack, and only when the mage stepped in, using his staff to create a shield, did the fire burn out to nothing.

The princess tried once more this time I watched as lightning crawled down her arm and travelled the distance between us, growing in size and ferocity the closer it got. I tried to swerve but it was just a fraction too fast. With speed it struck me. I felt the burning sensation of the current move through my body, but rather than explode and send me flying it simply held me in place. I was captured, bound within the princess’s flickering tendrils.

While I was momentarily incapacitated the mage took the opportunity to send another rush of fire towards me. As the fire hit it cancelled out the lightning binds and allowed me a howl of rage as I sent a concussive blast towards the mage. His staff was no match for my strength, with a laugh of satisfaction I watched as they were sent hurtling back towards the edge of the canyon.

As I closed the distance the princess tried in vain to use her lightning binds once more, but with a flick of my wrist I sent them scattering into the mountainside.

“Silly girl, how can you expect to inspire the people of Evedor being so weak?” before she could respond I sent my own bolt of lightning towards her. As it stung her chest I watched with delight as she flew through the air with a jolt. As she slammed back down on the ground I saw the darkness crash around her. She couldn’t keep her eyes open.

Before I could finally destroy her the mage stood in my way.

“Step aside, mage,” I said trying to walk around him. “This doesn’t concern you.”

“Oh, but it does, if you aren’t stopped the whole kingdom will be at risk.”

“Very well, let’s see what a life of solitude has taught you,” without waiting I sent a shockwave towards him which was effectively blocked. In retaliation he sent a bolt of energy towards me. Deftly I deflected it as I continued to close the gap between us. Before he could continue I sent an onslaught of energy towards him.

Using his staff he absorbed the power and directed it back at me, giving me less than a second to raise a wall of protection to combat the attack.

As the mage’s attack dispersed I heard a large crack reverberate through the canyon. Confused we both paused. Then another smaller crack came, then another, soon the canyon was full of the sound of screeching rock. With a glare I looked at the princess who still lay unconscious on the ground beyond.

It was her, it had to be her. Somehow she was controlling the very mountain. With a sudden thunder of violence rock and stone began to cascade into the canyon. A great avalanche swept towards us. Ignoring the mage for a moment I tried to blast the rocks and send them along a different path, but the collapsing rock was too fast, to frequent. With an urgent rage I tried my best but it was futile, eventually the amount of rock was too great, flooding my path I wasn’t fast enough.


When I awoke I was suddenly aware of one thing; I was trapped amongst the rocks from the canyon wall. Annoyed that the girl had found some last burst of energy I tried my hardest to break free. I refused, even now, to be bested by a sixteen year old novice. I tried to use my power to move the rocks, but as I tried to push them away more fell in their place. I tried to heat the rocks, hoping if I could melt them down I could escape, but the sheer weight was too immense.

I was trapped.

But not dead.

Not by a long shot.

It might take time but I would prevail. Then I saw flashes of light, tendrils of energy clawed their way through the gaps in the rock. They touched me, pinching at my skin as they encircled my arms and grabbed hold of my body. They weren’t strong, I’d have been able to break free, had I the room to move, but trapped in the rock the electricity took advantage and tightened its grasp on me.

The princess really thought she stood a chance. As I was pulled against the rock it gave way, moulding and moving around me. I felt myself be pulled out of the rubble. I was powerless to resist, the tendrils of energy growing stronger with each passing second.

As I felt the last of the boulders fall away I was brought back out into the twilight air. I watched with irritation as Adriana held me in place. Though she looked wary, there was an intensity behind her eyes, as if she was possessed by some greater power.

Now that I was free from the rocks I tried to break her grasp on me but still the branches of arcane lightning held firm. No amount of strength or power within seemed able to break her hold.

The mage stood beside her, staff in hand, “Queen Regent, your tyranny is at an end,” he called as I remained suspended above them. “I call upon all the elements of necromancy and devilry, you are a bewitchment of the darkest of magic, and to that realm you shall return.”

“Fools, to think sending me back would be a curse,” I called, my voice echoing across the demolished landscape. “The real curse would be to let me live.”

The mage only laughed, a laugh of scorn, “Perhaps you misunderstand your majesty, for you shan’t be alive, not in any real sense of the word.” he held his staff out towards me, I watched the orb turn from glowing blue to a pulsing red, sparking embers. “You are nothing but a demon in this world, so a demon you shall become.”

I laughed in my panic, a mage couldn’t, wouldn’t, enact the form of dark magic as he so threatened. To do so would curse his own soul to the realm he wished to banish me to. “You wouldn’t dare, mage, you know the cost of such an act.”

“I do queen regent,” he said darkly. “And it is a price I am willing to pay. Your torment has ended, I cast you out. A villain of this land you shall now forever be a demon of the air,” the staff glowed intensely, the embers sparked into flame, travelling on the air towards me. “You shall never set foot on land as long at the world turns, forever lost to the storms and the elements.”

“No!” I shouted, trying to twist away as the flaming embers burnt my skin. My binds forever tight, the princess showed no signs of weakening now. The disgust was written on my face as even more sparks embedded themselves into me, “One day princess I shall return,” I called through the pain. “And when I do the whole of hell will be at my heels.”

“Not likely,” the mage said through gritted teeth, with a great yell he thrust his staff towards me as a torrent of red fire consumed me. I felt the slithers of the princess’s binds slacken and melt away but the hellfire ensured I stayed frozen in place.

There was no way to combat the power of the netherworld the mage had manifested. When a soul was sacrificed for such power, that bond could never be broken. I felt my skin burn and blister, eventually turning to ash. I could feel my whole self disintegrate little by little. As the final semblance of myself eroded the pain remained. It tortured my very soul as I felt the wind lift me from my captivity and buffet me into the heavy clouds which no longer burnt in twilight, but now in the deepest red of damnation.

My screams were now thunder. My anger now lightning. My tears now rain. My indifference now frost. My power had departed, all that remained was agony.


* * * *


As Cora disintegrated and her ashes fluttered off into the heavy clouds above I felt the energy pulse through the ruined canyon. Like an earthquake I felt the rumble below my feet, a deep power was rising from within the mountains. The sky had steadily darkened the longer I held the queen suspended in the air, but now as her essence drifted along in the wind the sky turned a deep crimson. The burning skies had changed, mutated into something demonic and sinister.

Jayce what have we done?